Heidi R said...

I would not worry much ... People who really want to wait for you not for a charity, give a thank you (or at least not be too upset if they a not.) I know that many charity sites are spaces in the forms of donation (if people are ,) to donate online, where the names of people who honor the gift, sign up to give alms, and of these, the honored person or family of the person by e-mail and feel you can follow in a position to "suppliers" in this way?

Incidentally, I think it's a good idea ... Many couples are caught in the gift of all / any money ... It's nice to see someone so generous! :)

Heidi R said...

I would not worry much ... People who really want to wait for you not for a charity, give a thank you (or at least not be too upset if they a not.) I know that many charity sites are spaces in the forms of donation (if people are ,) to donate online, where the names of people who honor the gift, sign up to give alms, and of these, the honored person or family of the person by e-mail and feel you can follow in a position to "suppliers" in this way?

Incidentally, I think it's a good idea ... Many couples are caught in the gift of all / any money ... It's nice to see someone so generous! :)

sciencec... said...

I think you have nothing to fear. They have everything perfect in my opinion. Since the gift is not for you, a word of thanks is not really necessary. It might occur to thank for the notes, if desired, can also be a photo of you and to marriage or other image that you think you can appreciate it. You can appreciate the thought.

Mom of 2 said...

I have a picture of you and your husband has in its portfolios. Then send all and I thank you for sharing their special day. Charities will send a letter to the donor if the person you give your name. (I did this instead of flowers, both the families of many funeral services and always a note is).

Luna said...

hmmm I in this case, you should thank all of you, and we request no gifts. can put more if you know that you are to charities. Moreover, to know if the people give money and donate it to those applied to the recognition card.

Dama said...

What a great way to celebrate your wedding! It would be wonderful for you to thank guests for sharing your wedding. If you do not feel they can adequately react to each participant, perhaps with a pre-printed thank all the guests had to be sent.

Papat S said...

would be nice to thank them all. not only those involved in charitable organizations. Remember, these people took the time to get married to see you

Of course, I would add that it is very generous of him .. Most people marry for money ... I think it is a good way to celebrate your wedding!

melouofs said...

You should also thank everyone who came to their shares days - the gift or no gift.

Dear Sally,

Thank you for sharing our wedding. It was nice to see you again. I hope you enjoy dinner and dancing, as well as we do!

○•○•Cass... said...

You must send a letter of thanks for participating in your big day, if there is a donation or not. It is a recognition for their support. It is not likely to know what they have given the people not to focus it.

casper4 said...

Send a note of thanks to everyone at the wedding, when you give a donation to charity (or a personal gift) or not.

They thank them for their presence is not presented.

casper4 said...

Send a note of thanks to everyone at the wedding, when you give a donation to charity (or a personal gift) or not.

They thank them for their presence is not presented.

Melissa said...

If someone donates to a charity in his name, notify the love that grants the person ....

happy (: said...

You should thank them for celebrating this special day with you, of course.

celtic tart said...

I thank you all for sharing your special day
should be sufficient.
I love this idea.

Congratulations to both!

Һסρε 2ӨӨ8 said...

Like most donations are anonymous anyway. I would not worry about who donated what, if any, no gifts. Just send a "Thank you for sharing our day with us, thank you. That's what I would do.

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